Two Tower
Session Based / Sequential Recommenders
- [2309.07602] Turning Dross Into Gold Loss: is BERT4Rec really better than SASRec?
- [2308.07192] gSASRec: Reducing Overconfidence in Sequential Recommendation Trained with Negative Sampling
- [2308.06878] AutoSeqRec: Autoencoder for Efficient Sequential Recommendation
- GitHub - AIRI-Institute/Scalable-SASRec: This repository contains code for the paper “Scalable Cross-Entropy Loss for Sequential Recommendations with Large Item Catalogs”, RecSys ‘24
Collaborative Filtering
- [2102.12029] Theoretical Understandings of Product Embedding for E-commerce Machine Learning
- Vector representation of products Prod2Vec: How to get rid of a lot of embeddings | by Alexander Golubev | Towards Data Science
Ranking - Learning to Rank
Production Systems
Production Machine Learning Systems
Sequence learning: A paradigm shift for personalized ads recommendations - Engineering at Meta
Scaling the Instagram Explore recommendations system - Engineering at Meta
News Feed ranking, powered by machine learning - Engineering at Meta
- GitHub - pytorch/torchrec: Pytorch domain library for recommendation systems
- Microsoft Recommenders
- GitHub - Coder-Yu/SELFRec: An open-source framework for self-supervised recommender systems.
- RecBole v1.1.1 — RecBole 1.1.1 documentation
- GitHub - NVIDIA-Merlin/Transformers4Rec: Transformers4Rec is a flexible and efficient library for sequential and session-based recommendation and works with PyTorch.
- GitHub - otto-de/TRON: ⚡️ Implementation of TRON: Transformer Recommender using Optimized Negative-sampling, accepted at ACM RecSys 2023.
- GitHub - asash/gSASRec-pytorch
- GitHub - AIM-SE/AC-TSR: Official code for paper “Attention Calibration for Transformer-based Sequential Recommendation”
- GitHub - facebookresearch/dlrm: An implementation of a deep learning recommendation model (DLRM)