
  • Dataset Augmentation
    • CoCa for Captions (multiple per image), in addition to source captions
    • Text and Image Embeddings from larger CLIP Models
      • embed multiple augmented versions of the images and synthetic captions
      • use multiple CLIP models in ensemble
      • store augmentation params and use them at train time to reproduce augmented version of image
  • Loss
    • CLIP loss + distillation term
    • compute on real and synth data and sum up for final loss
  • Models
    • Text-RepMixer
    • Vision - FastViT variant called MCi
      • reduce MLP expansion ratio from 4 to 3, because of “significant amount of redundancy in linear layers”, make the model deeper instead
      • MCi2 matches FastViT on ImageNet (84.5%) while being 15% faster and 14.3% smaller
  • Training
    • 12M
      • 8 A100s
      • 8,192 Batch Size
    • 1B
      • 256 A100s
      • 65,536 Batch Size
    • Dataset Reinforcement
      • 5 synthetic captions per image using the coca_ViT-L-14 model in OpenCLIP
      • concatenate two CLIP image embeddings (datacomp and openai ViT-L-14)
      • store in Bfloat16
      • use gzipped pickle
    • Strong Augmentation
  • Inference
    • iPhone 12 with CoreML

  • Ideas
    • Captioning model that takes image and source caption when generating new captions
      • potentially also use nearest neighbors