
[2111.10050] Combined Scaling for Zero-shot Transfer Learning

Intorduces a new combined scaling method called “BASIC”

  • scales up contrastive image-text models to larger model, data and batch size
  • achieves 85.7% top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet
  • beats CLIP by 9%
  • 6.6B image-text pair noisy dataset (JFT Dataset)
  • uses gradient accumulation and checkpointing to expand the batch size to 2^20
    • accumulates gradient for contrastive matrix
    • recomputes features in backprop to save having to store the gradients (gradient checkpointing)
      • rematerialize activations and normalization layers since they are cheap to compute but use a lot of memory for gradients
  • Use “AdaFactorW” optimizer (AdamW + AdaFactor)B