vitselfsup by Sucheng Ren1* Zeyu Wang2* Hongru Zhu1 Junfei Xiao1 Alan Yuille1 Cihang Xie2

  • D-iGPT
    • predict semantic tokens (CLIP) instead of pixels
    • predict next token and visible tokens (from pixels)
    • 4 tokens per image (112x112 for 224 images)
    • random permutation of tokens into a sequence (position is encoded)
  • 89.5% top 1 on ImageNet with ViT-L
  • 86.1% when training on imagenet only
  • Training
    • pretraining
      • 300 epochs
      • batch size 4096
      • peak learning rate to lr = 1.5e−4 × batchsize/256
      • 224x224
    • imagenet tunning
      • vit-b
      • linear layer
      • 100 epochs
      • 224x224

  • Ideas

    • replace transformer with Mamba
    • multi modal
      • use CLIP text encoders and feed it as starting token or generate them after image tokens (or mix)
      • use text token embeddings or full text embedding
  • Questions

    • sounds like mostly just distillation from a strong CLIP model